Sunday, April 2, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is an ancient system of numerology and numerical codes that has been used by many cultures across the globe since antiquity. In the Jewish tradition, Gematria is a method of interpreting words and phrases based on the numerical values of their letters. This system is believed to unlock hidden meanings of scriptures and words related to the Torah and other sacred texts.

The numerical values assigned to each letter vary depending on the language in question, but most commonly follow patterns found in the Torah itself; each letter is assigned a numerical value ranging from 1-1000 depending on its order in the Hebrew alphabet. For example, Alef (א), which is first in the Hebrew alphabet, corresponds to the number one, while Tav (ת), which is last in the Hebrew alphabet, corresponds to 400. Each letter symbolizes a specific meaning, often related to spiritual concepts such as love, pride, and justice.

Once these numerical values have been determined for a given word or phrase, numerological calculations derived from Gematria allow interpretations about that specific word or phrase. The interpretation derives from various combinations of numbers based on various methods; these numbers are then associated with different meanings and symbolism when interpreted in certain contexts. One possible example would be that if two words add up to a certain number (such as 7), then those two may be seen as referring to each other or belonging together — such as two pieces connected by destiny or fate— since 7 is often associated with union or completion.

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